The NRES graduate programs offer several options for students seeking an advanced degree. In addition to the traditional campus-based master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees, we provide opportunities to pursue a joint degree with the University of Illinois College of Law (M.S./J.D.) and several cooperative programs.

In NRES, graduate students develop both depth and breadth in their expertise. They work with expert faculty and researchers who train them in the specialized knowledge and skills needed for their research areas, while also participating in NRES seminar and activities that help them see their work within the bigger picture and learn to communicate their expertise to others effectively.

Because of its interdisciplinary nature, NRES research and educational programs are tailored to suit your interests, and each student, with their advisor, develops their own plan of study. Our faculty and graduate students are active in interdisciplinary programs and activities on a variety of subjects. 

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Find an Advisor

Prospective graduate students are strongly encouraged to contact potential advisors in advance of applying to determine if the faculty are willing to serve as their adviser and have resources available for more graduate students in their programs. An applicant will only be admitted if a faculty member has agreed to advise him/her. Explore our research areas to view a list of faculty in your area of interest. The best way to contact them is by email. Please keep in mind that only people with "Professor" in their title can advise graduate students.

Enhancing Your NRES Degree


The University of Illinois is a world-class university, and it provides you with a wide range of options for increasing the value of your NRES degree.

Graduate Minors

There are a number of graduate minors available to graduate students to expand their education. Several might be of interest to NRES students, including museum studies and various geographic/cultural area studies.

Certificate in Business Administration

The Gies College of Business offers a 7-session program leading to a Certificate in Business Administration. Call (217) 244-3115 for more information.


The graduate program in Environmental and Resource Economics (pERE) explores the complex relationships between natural resource allocation, environmental quality and economic prosperity. Students and faculty from five other University departments in addition to NRES are using economics to analyze policy toward some of today's most critical environmental and natural resource issues.


The Department of Statistics offers an Applied Master of Science degree in Statistics. This degree is intended to supplement graduate studies in other fields. Admission to the Applied MS program requires that you are already admitted for graduate studies in a related field at Illinois, and it requires that you petition to transfer to the Applied M.S. program. On completing this program you will receive the Applied Master of Science Degree. Normally you would then transfer back to your original field of study to complete your primary degree. This is a wonderful opportunity to enhance your quantitative skills and your employment options.