Ecosystem Stewardship and Restoration Ecology
Students in this concentration focus on the ecology, structure, and function of ecosystems, with a particular emphasis on plant communities and their interactions with their ecosystems. If you’re interested in the fundamental properties and practices underlying the restoration and management of aquatic, wetland, forest, and grassland ecosystems, this concentration is for you. You’ll take courses in restoration, landscape, and plant ecology, as well as courses focused on specific ecosystems (e.g., streams, wetlands, agroecosystems), invasive species, community ecology, and ecosystem science.
Environmental Science and Management
Are you motivated to understand and protect environmental quality through management of soil and water resources? If so, our environmental science and management concentration may be for you. Your coursework will provide a solid background in environmental chemistry, environmental microbiology, ecohydrology, and improving environmental quality, as well as courses focused more specifically on soil and water sciences.
Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology
This concentration emphasizes the ecology, conservation, and sustainable management of fish and wildlife species and communities, and is designed for students interested in understanding interactions among humans, wild animals, and their habitats. Students in this concentration will take courses in conservation of threatened and endangered species, management of harvested species, aquatic ecosystem conservation, animal behavior, vertebrate natural history, identification of animals and plants, and advanced ecology.
Environmental Social Sciences (formerly Human Dimensions of the Environment)
Our environmental social sciences concentration examines the role of individuals, groups, and policies in environmental problems and their solution. Students in this concentration complete advanced coursework in topics such as behavior change science, natural resource economics, environmental and conservation psychology, communications, and environmental law and policy. Students who have completed degrees in this concentration have gone on to careers in natural resource management, environmental policy, law, advocacy, corporate environmental sustainability, and education.